As you can see below, from the side she looks very flat. During construction I realised I had set the wire frame too close to the supporting rod, so I could not effectively replicate the back in the right proportions. So instead I decided to mainly focus on what how she looks from the front; this allowed me more time to get the body shapes right in comparison.

The process of making the model was enjoyable. The arms and legs were harder to manipulate and get right then I had anticipated, but after I had established them the rest of it was relatively straight forward. It was difficult to make the model smooth, since I kept working on different sections which messed up the other areas.
If I could go back over it and improve the model, I would have been more careful with positioning the wire frame, and spent more time applying plasticine to the legs, as I feel that I could have emphasised them more. Looking back at the images, the torso could also have been further emphasised; I would have added more to the left side with the realistic proportions, because now both sides of the model look very thin.
However I am still happy with the final outcome overall, I was able to practice my skills as I applied and smoothed the plasticine onto the wire frame, as well as discovering where I can improve next time I make one. The concept of comparing the two figures and representing how ridiculously different they are is still there, and hopefully that will spark an interest in people that view it.