I decided before going any further into making my final animation, I should do a test run first. This will allow me chance to experiment with Photoshop and After Effects to try and produce what I want, since I've never made anything like this before.
These are the steps I took to make my timeline on Photoshop...
I firstly drew an ellipse, which helped me to keep my lines evenly spaced and the same length all the way around.

Once I exported it and moved it to After Effects, I was able to change the scale, position, anchor point (rotation point), and put in key frames every 3 seconds to make my image rotate around the centre point.
I could either elongate the space between every key frame, making it move slower in a continuous motion, or I could make it rotate faster and pause at every piece of information.
After watching it back I realise I need to think about the composition and actual images used, so they all stay on the page and don't become blurry when zoomed in.
I also believe that I need to pause the timeline every time it reaches a new piece of information, since that will make it easier for viewers to read and see the information.
This is my first test of rotating the image:
I will experiment further to see which speed works best, improve the composition in Photoshop, and see about adding some kind of title.
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