Monday, 10 March 2014

Further Testing...

I completed another experiment, where I changed the timing of the rotation, to allow a pause in between each transaction so information can be processed by viewers...

Looking at the difference between my first and second tests, I can already see the difference in the spacing of the keyframes:

Test 1

Test 2

It's a lot easier to get a symmetrical rotation if your pivot point is on the very edge of the page. As you can see, the second test's lines all meet at the edge of the page, so you can see where the image is rotating from; whereas the first test the lines don't actually meet on the page, so I had to guess where the meeting point was to place my centre of rotation.

I definitely think this one runs a lot smoother then my first, and having the pauses definitely helps make it less blurred/speedy.
I need to create a better composition on Photoshop, with appropriate text and images that won't pixilate when I enlarge/zoom in on them.
Doing these tests made me realise that once you know what you're doing, it doesn't take very long to rotate the image... This being said, it will allow me more time to complete the final composition, and even add in small animated parts!

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